An study carried out by several institutions (CSIC, IEO, IFAPA and UCA ) in the framework of the National project OCAL (INTEGRATED OCEANOGRAPHY OF THE GULF OF CÁDIZ IN A CONTEXT OF GLOBAL CHANGE) shows how important are the connection of wetland areas with the adjacent ecosystems (estuaries or coastline) and the role of plankton as DOM (Dissolved organic matter) sources to the continental shelf of the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC). DOM is an important component in regional and global biogeochemical cycles, as it is an important pathway for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus transport from land to sea. Our results suggest that the GoC water mass, under the estuarine influence of three main rivers, is receiving large amounts of DOM transported mainly by Guadalquivir and Guadiana rivers and much less from Tinto-Odiel. In the outer shelf of the GoC, plankton seems to play an important role in the dynamics of this matter in the GoC. The oceanographic dynamics and the spatial pattern of FDOM concentration in the continental shelf of the GoC suggest a net transport of FDOM through the GCC (Gulf of Cadiz Current) to the Mediterranean Sea. Financial support to EGO was given by JdC (FPDI-2013-17708) and CEI-MAR and others were financial supported by the projects OCAL MICCIN grants (CTM2014-59244-C3-1-R, CTM2014-59244-C3-2-R and

CTM2014-59244-C3-3-R) and STOCA 2016 (Spanish Institute of Oceanography). The authors thank David Roque, Joaquin Pampin, Antonio Moreno and the crews of the R/V Angeles Alvariño and Ramon Margalef for technical assistance on the field.!

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