The i-LINK project MICRO2HOST starts at ICMAN-CSIC

MICRO2HOST: A network to disclose uncovered microbiota-host interactions driving farmed fish physiology
The i-LINK project MICRO2HOST starts at ICMAN-CSIC

Last January started at ICMAN the project “MICRO2HOST: A network to disclose uncovered microbiota-host interactions driving farmed fish physiology” (ILINK24009) held by Dr. Carmen Navarro as principal investigator. The project belongs to the CSIC i-LINK programme, which objective is to stimulate the collaboration between CSIC research groups and international research groups of the highest relevance.

The main objective of Micro2Host is to further understand host-microbiota interactions in the context of fish physiology. For that, different models will be critically evaluated for integrating microbiota composition, functionality and host factors to predict and/or manage farmed fish physiological states. In addition, the action aims to foster the collaboration and competence-building between partners and to combine their scientific expertise.

The project Consortium is constituted by ICMAN-CSIC (PI), University of Bologna (Italy), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), Duke University (USA) and Kiel University (Germany), with participants focused on digestive physiology and structure/function of gut microbiota. Mobility actions between CSIC and partners are considered to integrate research capacities and ensure the effectiveness of the project.

martes, Feb 18

Rubén M. Coda Naranjo


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